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kahju baryani
Feb 11, 2020
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Instant keto a month but it's not all plain sailing he can move a lot better and he's got his diabetes under control but it's hard for the the other half to be honest Tony's not eating so not making the meal so I'm not eating you know and say can I have shepherd's pie and I'll make a tea with two spoonfuls and that's it Noli hug was half was gone it's horrendous and I don't think we realized how hard it was going to be today it's the local elections in Silla Tony's been the Conservative councillor for nearly 25 years and he's up for re-election Instant keto reviews mayor leading off for 10 year and one of the main reasons was I wasn't be checked Nashua because you have to walk around you float the carnival and I could never do that [Music] bring some outfit bit thank you it's not a big place but it's got a lot going for this if the people of self and the community want me well that's one big achievement then make the decision what I'll do for the mayor next nice to see you open the vault again okay well in part I couldn't have done this this time last year what I've walked dear

kahju baryani

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